Guest Services

Say yes and sign up now!

With the summer months come big voids in our volunteer needs at Central. You can help and make difference. Pick up a packet in the atrium OR sign up below and we'll email you your packet.

Inside you’ll find everything you need for a commitment to a specific volunteer opportunity in July. That’s right! July only – only 4 weekends! That’s doable right?!

- Sign up as an individual or as a family
Please select one option.


Say yes and sign up now!

With the summer months come big voids in our volunteer needs at Central. You can help and make difference. Pick up a packet in the atrium OR sign up below and we'll email you your packet.

Inside you’ll find everything you need for a commitment to a specific volunteer opportunity in July. That’s right! July only – only 4 weekends! That’s doable right?!

- Sign up as an individual or as a family